I was asked to talk about my work and the upcoming BS9 Arts Trail on May 14th – 15th on BBC Radio Bristol today. A new experience for me, and a little nerve racking, but everyone was very friendly and I hope me and my fellow artist Debby Bird put our best feet forward! Here is the link if you fancy a listen – we are from 35mins to 49 mins – http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03rfgwp
Author: felicity_ball
The sea-themed mosaic floor panels
The sea-themed mosaic floor panels are now finished and being installed in the new build in Dorset, Poole, UK. Here is a picture of them just before they left the studio – look out for a final picture during the coming months. The panels will be on the floor straight ahead, as you enter the house, a bit like a runner carpet, and measure 240cm x 80cm in total. They have been a joy to make, and I look forward to developing this side of my portfolio.
The sea-themed floor mosaic is coming on!
At the moment, I am finishing off a large sea-themed floor mosaic commission for a new build in Poole, Dorset, UK. Read all about it in my blog. One panel has scallops, lobster pots, squid, lobsters and a John Dory. The other panel has more John Dory, sea bass and skate – along with the border of crabs and mussels!